in my opinion...
its got funny humor and good sounds.
in my opinion...
its got funny humor and good sounds.
COOL. Thanks. =P
funny stuff
these movies are funny,the voices are also funny do you do all of the voices in this?
Well, not ALL of them. My freind Kyle does the squeaky sounding guy.
this is funny, i like the voices of the characters.
That is one of the main, epic reasons why this makes people fall out of their chair laughing. LOL.
you make awesome adio or.............pimp adio!!!!!!
Ok, *Whew* for a second there I thought you wern't going to say it was pinp! Risk the universe being plsit in half! Lol, glad you really like my music. =P
tats pretty funny!
I thought you were going to say it is pimpin LOL.
this is a good sound keep up the good work!
Thank you very much, I really aprieciate it ;)
once again you make another pimp song,this is relaxing thanks 4 making this!
Hey your welcome! It has been really hard, however, to keep it up on the front page. Thanks for another 5!
I am currently working on another one... It is a comedy about a kitten. Really, I do comedies to just for fun.
now this is awesome !...respect!
Thank you very much for your great comment it will really help me alot ;)
thi is awesome!
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Joined on 4/21/07